The Hobbit Bilbo Hero Quotes

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I believe Bilbo Baggins will be set up as the hero of the story. This is because in The Hobbit, Tolkien describes aspects of Bilbo’s character that fit the characteristics of a hero. One aspect is shown when he describes Bilbo’s ancestry, “That was, of course, absurd, but certainly there was still something not entirely hobbitlike about them, and once in a while members of the Took-clan would go and have adventures” (Tolkien 2-3). Hobbits are generally peaceful in nature and don’t care much for anything unorthodox in their lives. However the Took-clan is an exception to this shown in the the quote above as it describes that they had an unnatural love for the unknown. And because Bilbo’s mother was part of the Took-clan a part of him longs for