
The Honest Truth Book Summary

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Name Class, Number Date The Honest Truth Book Report By: Luke Walters The book The Honest Truth is by Dan Gemeinhart and is a great book about an adventure. It starts out with a boy who runs away from home with his dog and he is attempting to reach and climb Mmount Rrainier before he dies. He has cancer and his last wish is to climb this mountain but he knows his parents would never let him do that especially in the condition he is in. He runs away anyways and has many troubles along the way including almost losing his dog forever, but he makes it partially up the mountain before getting lost. He was then rescued and they found out his cancer was gone. The main character's name is Mark and he is the one who has cancer and runs away. Another character is Jessie who is Mark's best friend and she knows where he is but she also knows not to destroy her friends dreams. The last main character is Beau who is Mark’s dog. Beau saves mark from bad kids who jump him and from a river. Beau also saves his life at the end when he is dying Beau gets help. Beau almost dies in the chasm but Mark saves him. …show more content…

He misleads the police by acting like he got on a train but then getting on a bus. The second main conflict in this story is when Mark is jumped by four boys who steal his stuff. The problem is solved when Beau chases off the boys. The climax of the story is when Mark is about to start up the mountain. This happens late in the story but it is probably the most suspenseful part of the story. You don't know what might happen to Mark or Beau so it is a scary time but they ends up making it through. Also the fact that a storm is coming and if they get stuck they will have no one to come and rescue them from the

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