The Impact Of Internet On Face-To-Face Communication

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Abstract This study used quantitative method to investigate the impact of internet on face-to-face communication by determining the relationship between the use of internet and face-to-face communication and the relationship between the use of internet and desire of face-to-face communication among 55 targeted respondents from UTAR students. The results of this study suggested that face-to-face communication has been displaced by the used of internet as there are more positive results towards the used of internet compared to face-to-face-communication. Keywords: Internet, face-to-face communication

Impact of Internet on Face-to-face Communication among UTAR students In this technology driven era, people are always with their mobile phone. Mobile phones are in demand as technology innovation is getting better. Almost everyone in the street owns a phone regardless their age, from young generation to older generation, which young generations are in the competition on comparing whose phones are better than whose (Angeluci & Huang, 2015). Due to this technology driven era, there are always concerns about the displacement effects of the internet use and face-to-face communication on our daily lives. People will only have certain amounts of time and money to spend, especially the younger generations such as students. They would spend more time surfing on the internet rather than spending quality time with their family and friends (Lee & Leung, 2006). For example, the