The Impacts Of A Purdue Compliment Team

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The Impacts of Compliments
The article in the Chicago tribune “Purdue compliment guys can’t give enough of a good thing” by Jodi Cohen is about two young university students who gives out free compliments to students and staff members in their university (Cohen, “Purdue compliment guys”). When the guys compliment someone, they give an exaggerated comments “instead of saying someone has a nice coat, for example they’ll point out the color or the way it matches with pants” (Cohen, “Purdue compliment guys”).While complimenting may seems a good thing to do; many people will have negative reaction to a compliment. There are infinite ways to a compliment can have effects on people, compliments often gives people self-awareness and helps you as a …show more content…

People will be a lot less selfish when act of kindness goes around because they can learn from people around them that, if we all help out each other we can make this world a better place. Being nice to someone is like domino effect; when person being nice to someone and that person will pass down that act of kindness to someone else. I personally love to give compliment to people because I feel like I am encouraging that person and also knowing that someone is pleased because of what I said to them. Complimenting, smiling or holding doors for people are few of the ways you can help makes people days better, take a few seconds of your day to help out someone can change people views on the society. As a result, act of kindness encourages people to become more selfless and helps people see the big picture. After standing for two hours and giving out free compliments the compliment guys of Purdue University earn themselves a hot chocolate as the outcome of their free complimenting service (Cohen, P.3). To conclude, when you embrace kindness toward a person you may not know that you are making big impact on