The Importance Of A Teacher In The 21st Century

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In order to be an effective an educator in the 21st century, we need to replicate in the classroom the world in which students are living (The Innovative Educator, 2008). Students require a repertoire of competencies to function efficiently. Some of these competencies includes: learning skills, life skills and literacy skills. Since the world is continuously changing through different aspects, these skills are extremely imperative pertaining to its role in society. Therefore, when these skills are stimulated in the classroom, students would be prepared for the world beyond the school doors. This would help students to socialize with others, co-operate in problem solving, share responsibility, respect for property and appreciate diversity. According to Piaget, developing an understanding of the world around you is a lifetime process that begins at birth (Hearron, P.F. & Hildebrand, V., 2010). The theory explains the tools and processes used by children as they develop into an individual who can reason and think using hypotheses, hence the importance of cognitive development. Additionally, this can be done through the adaption of learning skills. Learning skills contains four different aspects: communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creative thinking. These skills would prepare students for the rapid changes globally when they are applied in the classroom. Students would be able to carefully analyze and effectively evaluate thoughts, discover new ideas and