Personal Narrative: Mr. Caravaggio

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I was very curious about how art will look like in the future and it took me years to figure out, but I finally made it! A time machine that will bring me many years into the future and cure my curiosity. I get in and decided to go to the 1600’s, not too far ahead, but it should be a sight to see. I can just see it in front of me already! Hundreds and hundreds of paintings of Jesus on his crucifix and many paintings of arched churches which finally show the dimensions we see in real life. Oh, how magnificent it will be! I step out, seeing a young man staring at me with such intensity and wonder, striking me as odd. Shouldn’t he be running to tell the church how Satan’s contraption magically appeared in his home or wherever we are now? What …show more content…

To make it more realistic, they used more dark paints to create the shadows and more natural looking people. They also made certain things bigger or smaller to create the effect of this object to feel closer or farther away. In one of Mr. Caravaggio’s paintings he showed me, one of the man’s hand was unnaturally big to give me the illusion of it to be closer to me and as if it could be grabbing me at any moment. The painting seemed to be as if it was a moment in time, frozen forever, that he captured with his paint and canvas. He then asked me if it looked familiar to me, but when I said no, and he told me what it was, it was an even bigger shock than the painting and illusions themselves. He told me it was a painting of Jesus and some of his disciples! When I look more closely at it, I thought maybe I could see a halo over his head, but I could not. All I saw was his shadow and nothing to show his power of being the son of God. The young man before me looks normal and like someone I could walk by on the streets. The young man before me said that the painting is truly about Jesus even after I pointed these things out to him, and that he believed that Jesus looked like every other man in the world and had his own shadow behind