Relationship Between Child And Caregiver: Direct Core Of The Attachment Theory

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Slide 1 Slide 2 Early interactions between child and caregiver are the direct core of the attachment theory. The bond that develops between them is the nucleus of the identity formation as well as interpersonal attitudes. According to John Bowlby, the attachment bond is a complex behavioral system that functions throughout human evolution. It protects the infant from danger by seeking security from a guardian. With security from the guardian the likelihood of survival are enhanced as well as possible reproduction. Infants with a caregiver that meets all their needs have a secure safe- haven. When the infants needs are not met, they begin to explore the surroundings for a safe haven. These infants are unable to gather support from their caregiver …show more content…

They tend to be inconsistent in the way they treat their children and as a result the infant is unable to rely on the caregivers emotional support. This way they could try to control the mother by acting out to get her attention, making sure that the mother will be there for it. Slide 9 In disorganized patterns the parent is unable to function as the protective role of caregiver. Affective communication was disrupted or out of sync, when faced with threat the child turns to the primary caregiver. Expecting protection from them, instead the parent reacts to the child being upset by frightening them. The distress of the child is never marked nor recognized thus creating feelings of confusion in the child. Some researchers think that disorganization of infant attachment comes from the parents own unresolved fears. These fears are transmitted to the child which arouses fear in the infant. Slide 10 Situationism places emphasis on external and situational factors in personality and behavior. Rather than us focusing on the importance of innate traits on influencing personality, its proven that depending on the situation that you’re in your behavior will be different. We all know that wherever we are, our surroundings influence our behaviors sometimes unconsciously. Slide 11 Slide …show more content…

• It was conducted in a series of eight episodes, three minutes each. • Scoring was primarily based on four interaction behaviors • The conclusion of the experiment suggested the caregiver sensitivity hypothesis as an explanation for the different attachment styles. • The Strange Situation • • In the video, the experiment is set up in a small room with a one way glass so the infants behavior is seen. • This sample comprised of 100 middle-class American families. • One –to- two year old 's security of attachment was investigated using this experiment. • In order to determine the nature of attachment behaviors and styles of attachment. • There were a total of four attachment styles with the fourth attachment styles being known as disorganized. • Secure Attachment • The majority of the sample in Ainsworth’s studies were securely attached children. • These children feel confident that the caregiver will be able to have their needs met. • The caregiver is used as a safe base to explore and seek them out in times of

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