The Importance Of Built Environment On Physical Activity In Basavangudi

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ABSTRACT: Many reviews in public health have affirmed that physical activity can help avoid obesity, heart diseases, high cholesterol and so on also, has turned into a public health priority in current social orders . With individual policies frequently neglecting to empower physical activities, there has been much concentration upon different natural models that underscore significance of the built environment in advancing physical exercises. Structure and nature of the Built environment can affect the need, the yearning or the opportunity for individuals to walk, cycle and embrace Physical exercises as a part of daily routine, coincidental exercise for entertainment. This paper aims to understand the impact of built environment and will conclude positive and negative impact of built environment on physical activities in Basavangudi area. key words: - built environment , physical activity , positive impact, negative impact, factors, old settlement I. NEED OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES IN URBAN AREA
Physical inactivity has been connected to diabetes, heart diseases, and a few diseases. It is a worldwide issue, assessed to represent more than 5 million deaths for each year worldwide(1). adults have a tendency to be all the more physically active when they live in regions that have higher density, and are near shops, eateries, public transit,services and parks, contrasted with inhabitants of less-walkable areas(2). It is contended that the design of the Built environment assumes