Essay On Taking Calculus In High School

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Large percentage of entering college students are enrolling in calculus courses having already taken calculus in high school. Many students do not score high enough on the AP calculus examination to place out of Calculus I, and many do not take the examination and so, Gibson, Megan a Ph.D. in Mathematics Education from Teachers College at Columbia University came up with a question, “Does Studying Calculus in High School Make a Difference?”
Calculus is a branch of mathematics that is all about mapping change. You got a series of mathematical equations that come together to tell you how things change over a period of time. The purpose of this study was to determine if there are differences between students who have taken calculus in high school and students who have not taken calculus in high school in help seeking behavior, study habits, levels of academic motivation, class attendance rates, and effort.
An Advanced Placement (AP) examination is a test that allows a student to get a college credit for taking the test (Boyd, N. 2003). AP Program aims to help students to proceed in their secondary and college education more likely at their proper pace with the idea of wasting their time for them to assists to organize and conduct course for them in college-freshmen level. The said …show more content…

2) Do students who took calculus in high school report different study habits, levels of academic motivation, and class attendance rates in a college calculus course, as compared with those who did not take calculus in high school? 3) Do students who took calculus in high school report putting more effort or less effort into a college calculus course, as compared with those who did not take calculus in high