Summary: The Importance Of Christian Education

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Education plays an important role in the development of the countries. UNESCO, in its site, says that education should be a means to empower the society to become active participants in the transformation of their societies (2015, n.p). Without a good education for the children, then the future of the country will be worse. It is because there are no competent leaders for regeneration. There are no active participants to transform the countries. In addition, Kunandar says that the human resources’ qualities from a country could be seen from the qualities of its education (2007, p. 8). In fact, based on the history, the progress and prosperity of a country are determined by the development in the field of education (Kunandar, 2007, p. 8). So it is not surprised for developing countries, education is one of the foundations to stand firm. As developing countries, Indonesia needs a qualified education.
Christian education is important for human being. Godless education ignores that human was created to be responsible to God (Berkhof & Van Till, 2004, p. 4). It leads the students to be self-cantered and placed into emptiness. Berkhof and Van Till says that only Christian education which surely bring up the students to the life (2004, p. 6). It means that the students learn …show more content…

He gave ten concerns in Christian education include the purpose of the education is to maximize the students’ potential according to God’s will in creating man. It means that the education should be the liberation efforts of student from ignorance and enable them to become mature adults, knowledgeable and independent (2001, p. 250). Knight also mentions that the education is to empower one better to serve one’s fellow men, the wise for ignorant, the string for the weak as the ultimate aims of Christian teaching (Herbert as cited in Knight, 2006, p.