National Defense Education Act
Rapidly changing technology, incredibly complex machines, and the low cost for higher education have all come from The National Defense Education Act. Robbie, a typical American teenager, was seeking an education after high school but unfortunately the cost was too much to afford. However, in 1958 President Dwight D. Eisenhower passed the National Defense Education Act (NDEA) which forever impacted less fortunate people such as Robbie. This act enabled funding for higher education and made substantial funds available to reduce the cost of higher education. Since this time, America has drastically improved education and many aspects of America have gotten better. The National Defense Education Act has positively
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According to research, education has been a key factor for improving people’s quality of life (Guijarro-Garfield et al., 2022). Many people can now pursue dream goals in life. More people are also contributing to the growth of America by becoming scientists and developing much needed new technology. Even though the NDEA has already helped education tremendously, many new improvements are still to come. In addition, amongst other targets, the Sustainable Development Goal seeks to ensure that every child completes free primary education by the year 2030 (Guijarro-Garfield et al., 2022). With America's education continuing to thrive, more opportunities will continue to be available and students will continue to succeed. Without this much needed change, America would be much further behind other countries losing significant competitive advantages worldwide. Instead, a strong education system has helped shape America into a better and safer …show more content…
The NDEA has provided substantial financial assistance to worthy and needy students (Trower, 1966). This has helped a lot for families to be able to provide for their kids while being able to save some much needed money. It has created the opportunity for students to now extend schooling for a way cheaper price that is more reasonable for people. Families and students all over America have been grateful for the chance to get people involved in a life changing education. With the training for teachers, loans for higher education, and upgrades to technical education, the National Defense Education Act has been one of the most successful legislations ever passed (Trower, 1966)! The loans have encouraged many more students to rejoin or extend school. The upgrades to technology has helped education improve and be more useful for everyone. With teachers getting trained, it helps create a better environment for the students to learn. The National Defense Education Act helps academics in every way possible and so many new students have chosen to pursue a virtuous education after or before high