The Importance Of Clinical Experience

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Week One Journal Entry

Upon the preparation of this semester clinical experience, I have reflected on my strengths and weaknesses. I am excited to embark into the rotation and learn about the pediatric population. The clinical site I have chosen has an impressive reputation for being a respected pediatric expert in the region. Past students have completed the rotation with excellent reviews of the learning experience. I am reserved because I have not ever worked with the pediatric population, and I have a lot to learn. My strengths include my personal drive and motivation to learn. My weakness is related to a lack of a pediatric nursing exposure.
Nursing Theory The Modeling and Role Modeling Theory by Erikson, Tomlin and Swain (1983) …show more content…

Not only are these three elements related, they are dependent on both an understanding of each and the ability to apply its context to delivery of care at the highest level. According to Ayala, Howe, Dumser, Buzby, and Murphy (2014), the parents of children with diabetes appreciated when providers understood the uniqueness of the illness and took time to learn about the family dynamics. Additionally, when providers develop these ideal partnerships with families, the overall satisfaction with care, continuity, and quality of life was markedly enhanced (Ayala et al., 2014). These findings are significant. If partnerships can improve these crucial components, then more time should be invested in learning about the needs of our patients and families. Konradsdottir and Szavarsdottir (2013) found that mothers of diabetic children were able to focus on their strengths when therapeutic counseling was offered. These elements of emotional support were contributory to the family’s perception of the quality of care (Konradsdottir & Svavarsdottir, 2013). This finding reminds us that the time spent connecting with our patients is as essential as the other important tasks such as assessment, diagnostics, and …show more content…

This young girl was at risk for progression to major depression and suicidal ideation. Would mediation be the next step? According to Paixao (2013), psychotherapy is considered first-line treatment. In fact, according to her findings suicidal ideation was more common when depression was treated with medication alone (Paixao, 2013). However, when symptoms are severe, pharmacotherapy is recommended in conjunction with psychotherapy (Paixao, 2013). Upon further exploration, I found that the depression was not the only mental health issue associated with obesity. According to Bazyk and Winne (2013), anxiety, bipolar disorder, and suicidal ideation are other mental health concerns that may be present in children with obesity. Drawing from my limited exposure to child health, I did not realize that these issues can be present in children. However, moving forward I have developed an appreciation that will help me to explore and assess for depression when other health issues are