Reflection On Clinical Experience

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For my Special Education Clinical Experience, I observed and assisted Mrs. Pergande in The Learning Center (TLC) room at First Immanuel Lutheran School. The TLC room at First Immanuel provides a wonderful learning environment conducive to student education. This room is used to assist the many students at First Immanuel with a wide variety of unique needs. Some students require enrichment education, remedial education support, or occasional breaks from the classroom. In the TLC room, students are provided with these things. When it comes to enrichment education, excelling students are provided with different opportunities to challenge themselves. For example, one day a group of sixth grade girls came in wanting help to increase their …show more content…

Pergande, I noticed how well she was continuously establishing rapport with learners and encouraging mutual respect. I observed her form close relationships with students and show great understanding for their feelings and needs. When Mrs. Pergande would talk to the students either individually or in groups, she always asked how they were doing and showed great interest in their conversations. Sometimes teachers who had trouble with students behaving in class would send those students to the TLC room. When those students entered the room, they would come in upset, frustrated, and angry. However, when they left the TLC room, they left with smiles on their faces and behaved better in their classrooms. The reason for this was because Mrs. Pergande took the time to really listen to the students. The students would talk about why they were acting the way they were and she would just listen. Once they gave their explanation, Mrs. Pergande would then help by working through their current problem with them and show the student how to resolve their issue. After the students’ problems were resolved, she would talk some more with the students but about other things. This helped to take students’ minds off of their situation and helped to form a closer bond with the