
The Importance Of Digital Games

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According to Kiili (2005) digital games satisfy the basic requirements of a learning environment and provide engaging learning experiences for students. There are four kinds of learning outcomes, cognitive learning outcomes, that games could have. These are divided into motor skills, active learning outcomes, affective learning outcomes, knowledge and cognitive skills, and communicative learning outcomes (Wouters, van der Spek & Oostendorp, 2009).
Does Digital Games- Based Learning provide more Engagement for students? Traditional educational system in most countries has often been labeled as boring for many students. Chen (2014) says that digital game-based learning is able to enhance learning among players and challenging learning environment for constructing and acquiring new knowledge. Bridgeland et al. (2006) indicate that half of high school dropouts said a major reason for dropping out was that the classes weren’t interesting, and 70% said they were not motivated or inspired to work hard. With the rapid technology development, educators have long used different approaches including art and contemporary media to increase engagement and motivation in the classroom in order to improve the learning process outcomes. The unique value of the engagement factor within digital games might have the ability to sustain, maintain engagement and …show more content…

Although looking at these various aspects of game design is likely to yield information about the development of educational games, an investigation of popular games is also likely to yield information about design that would inform the field of instructional design for both traditional educational media and interactive learning

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