The Importance Of Digitalization In The Digital Library

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Digitization refers to the process of information such a book, journal, article, sound recording, pictures, audio tapes and video recording into bits. Bits are the fundamental unit of information in a computer system converting information into their binary digits is called digitization which can be achieve through a variety of available technologies. In many texts, no distinction is made between electronic information and digital information. The two terms are used synonymously. Digital libraries are developing all over the world to collect, store and communicate the information through electronic media. In the present age of information uprising and ever increasing demand for precise and consolidated information, the function …show more content…

 Digitization is not an end in itself. It is the process that creates a digital image from an analogue image.
 A method of storing, processing and transmitting information through the use of separate electronic or optical pulse that represent the binary digits 0 and 1.
 The digital library is not a single entity.


Digitization is a document in print or other physical media makes the document more useful as well as more accessible. Digital Divide, this word take up a lot of to do’s for us librarians. Librarians as a connection between user and his/her information so why the people do not get the highly necessary and most seeking information which can be acquired only by a handful of peoples who are able to access these from the digital information world. A document can be changed into digital format depending on the purpose of digitization, end-user, and availability of finance. There are several reasons for libraries to go for digitization and there are as many ways to create the digitized images, depending on the need and uses.


Jakob Nielsen gives 3 stages of digital divide.
1. Economic Divide
2. Usability Divide
3. Empowerment …show more content…

1. Audio: - The sound quality has to be checked and required corrections made together by the subject expert and computer sound editor.
2. Video: - The video clipping is normally edited on beta max tapes, which can be used for transferring on to digital format.
3. Photographs: - The selection of photograph is very crucial process. High resolution is required for photographic images and slides.
4. Documents: - Documents which are much in demand, too fragile to handle are rare in availability are reviewed and selected for the process. The intellectual content, physical natures of a source material number of current and potential users are therefore major consideration.


We know all of us that every project has a seaplane that is completed by step by step. This paper describes the following steps for creating digital library. 1. Feasibility: - First step is to study whether the project being taken is feasible or not for this one has to study whether we have necessary funds to perform the