Ginzberg Career Choice Theory

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We live in an era where planning becomes an important matter. Nowadays people do their chores, long term and short term actions all based on constructing mindset and hypothetical theories. Other than our own conscious decision, comments, critics, and suggested even actions of people surrounding us in another way our environment also indirectly affecting our mindset to construct the ideas of how our future will be. Inside the constructed mindset then human will create a detailed version includes monthly even yearly prospects on targets that have been set before. These targets are Institution, position, or grades, belongings and another need to fulfill our desire. Most of the times in the middle of our struggle we will add several people into …show more content…

Where every day he saw his parents working on the drawing board with lines and everything. All using certain knowledge. At some points people surrounding him and himself believe that he will step on his father shoes, becoming an architect when he grew up. “Based on Eli Ginzberg who was the first to develop a theory about career choice that included the stages of childhood Ginzberg's theory suggested that occupational choice is an ongoing process that occurs in a succession of three periods: fantasy choices (before age 11), tentative choices (between ages 11 and 17), and realistic choices (between ages 17 and young adulthood) . It is during the first period of fantasy choice when children are most impulsive about their career choices and make "an arbitrary translation ... of needs into an occupational choice" . In a review of Ginzberg's theory” …show more content…

Solving a problem involves a certain amount of risk - this risk needs to be weighed up against not solving the problem” Throughout a clear weighing whether or not he should solve the problem, he came up with an answer that he should. Because if he let his problem flow then it will be even worse. Thus he formulate a short term plan to solve the problem before continuing his long term plan of his life. His first plan is to move back a view steps from his circle of society. “The best leaders are the best problem solvers. They have the patience to step back and see the problem at-hand through broadened observation; circular vision. They see around, beneath and beyond the problem itself. They see well-beyond the obvious” He simply will assess the problem on the first hand and then sort it out one by one into sub-problems where the root cause will be found. After that he will clarify his problem by talking face-by-face with his friends, giving them question what the problem was and asking for the best solution that will be decided together. However the flow of the talk still will be controlled by him in order to get the best solution and minimizing any kind of personal