Ovid's Metamorphosis

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Science fiction deals with imaginary yet plausible content such as space travels,aliens and future science and technology.Since its settings were always fictional, there was always a need for a considerable degree of suspension of disbelief.Science fiction was equated with pulp fiction and considered to be low category literature. Aristotle in his Poeticsconsidered probability as the seminal criterion of serious work of art.But in the age of techno-culture the very term 'probable ' is disputable.What was considered improbable a century ago is probable today? Ovid 's Metamorphosis is a visible probability in the age of morphing.Science fiction novels try to create a sense of probability through utopias and dystopias where the weirdest of improbabilities …show more content…

Like all other genres the dystopian genre that found a place of importance in literature,was a direct outcome of an antithesis to utopia and was instrumental in portraying autopia gone awry.Dystopia is the stark opposite to the term utopia.It is best described as the society that is undesirable and frightening. It is described as 'not a good place '. Dystopia was earlier called 'Cacotopia ' meaning 'bad or wicked '.Both the terms utopia and dystopia are Greek in origin.Dystopia can be described as an imaginary place where the condition of life is highly pathetic due to deprivation and terror.Hence dystopian novels are set in a futuristic world where one can find traces of the present world.This term was first coined by John Stuart Mill in 1868 during one of his parliamentary speeches.It was in the 1950 's that utopian novels emerged as a genre.During 1899 H.G Wells published his first dystopian novella The Story of Days to Come and novel When the Sleeper Walks. Utopias were born out of man 'sdesire and imagination for a perfect society which was always unconsciously present in his psyche.But with the advent of the twentieth century these assumptions of utopia drastically …show more content…

Through Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury imagines a futuristic society where the authorities curb knowledge and imagination in all forms by burning books.The firemen of this society is endowed with this work whenever they come across books.This is to ensure the destruction of creativity,imagination and creativity.The state portrays all books as dangerous and hence the burning of books.Her burning of books is symbolic of the destruction of creativity and imagination.It is through this procedure that the government maintains absolute control on its citizens.This society is reminiscent of a dystopian society located in a futuristic time and space which is non- existent.Thus it was the intention of Ray Bradbury to impress upon the readers that this society was dystopian in the sense that it was much worse than the actual world in which the reader