The Importance Of Ecocriticism

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We know that we are facing a global crisis today, not because of how ecosystems function but rather because of how our ethical systems function (Worter 27).
A scrutiny of the world, in general, and the human habitat and the environment, in particular, reveals the magnitude of the threat that humanity faces, as all its activities to foster development in every possible area have started to boomerang in an alarming proportion.The prevailing ecological threats aggravate the complexity of the already complex modern life. Human beings are trapped in the vicious cycle of happenings like changes in the rainfall pattern, changes in the climatic condition, global warming, rise in the sea levels etc. on one side, and on the other, a series of catastrophes like earthquake, floods, droughts etc., which could be interpreted as nature’s reaction to humans’improper handling of it. Humans are the only species that do things not just to fulfil their need, but to satiate their greed. Our exploration and exploitation of nature and its resources with an unquenchable thirst, have taken us a long way and now there is a distinct realisation that it is high time we think about extending a concern for the flora and fauna as well. Ecocriticism, as a school of thought, pleads for a better understanding of nature and seeks to protect the ecological rights of nature.
Aim of the Paper
This paper seeks to explore how one of thepioneers of the romantic age, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, in