The Importance Of Environmental Psychology

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The global environment problems that we have at present have changed that way we live. The global warming and other environmental problems that the Earth is experiencing today is very alarming. The issue that needs to be critically looked at is not just about the temperature of the Earth becoming warmer each year. It’s about the effects of such phenomenon to our daily lives. Typhoons are now much more strong and enhanced and have become more fatal. Humans are not the only ones who are affected. Our ecosystem-which includes the animals and plants, has been compromised. Some species have already become extinct. This shows the strong bi-directional relationship between us and the environment. Our influence to the environment reflects back the positive or negative outcomes that we can derive from it. One of the domains of Environmental Psychology is to help people have better quality of life while interacting with …show more content…

As defined by Bell et al. (2001), Environmental Psychology is the study of the interaction of how the environment influences people and how, on the other hand, people influence or affect the environment through their actions. We are all dependent to our environment. Our health and well-being is affected by its state. Living in an unhealthy environment can have physiological, cognitive, emotional, and developmental effects to our well-being. It is therefore important to assure that every human in this planet lives in an environment that is conducive for a healthy development. Many studies have proven that nature and a pleasing environment has restorative and good health effects. Mayer et al. said that there is an increasing concern that as we become disconnected to nature and experience it artificially, for example, through technology, we might as well experience decrease in overall well-being (as cited in Davis, Le, and Coy, 2011, p.