Enron Code Of Ethics In The Workplace Essay

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Why do we need professional codes of ethics in the workplace and in business affairs in general ? Without any flavor of concerns one can easily answer that, behaving ethically is a part of profession as well as part of ones own education that has for instance been instilled in the past. However, if we start by looking such sound examples as the cases of Enron or Worldcom and finish with such mediocrity as stealing a pen in a workplace or cheating on a spouse lol. This makes it evidential that it is not that simple, as no one originally strives to be unethical, and it seems that the question should rather be build around the idea of the intend to fulfill several responsibilities at once, while at the same time not ignoring the likelihood that one might be simply unsure of the best way to proceed (im not sure what im trying to say here☺hahaha). So, for example, if thoroughly examining Enron’s ethical failure the problem can be summarized in the way that having a well written and thoughtful code of conduct, was not enough in order to encourage its …show more content…

However, the purpose of this section is not to examine the anatomy of Enron’s problem, but is rather to make an attempt to define what an ethical code of conduct is and to suggest ways of making it effective in order to positively reflect organization at all levels of its operations. Therefore, the first part of the section will focus on……the second will…. -What is an ethical code of conduct? (source: https://books.google.cz/books?id=OG5jnmPCiqAC&pg=PA41&dq=ethical+code+of+conduct+definition&hl=en&sa=X&ei=BiVsVZGDDsXjsAT29YGIBA&ved=0CD8Q6AEwBw#v=onepage&q=ethical%20code%20of%20conduct%20definition&f=false ) defines code of ethics, or an ethical code as a list of