The Importance Of Food Art

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Looking into food as an artistic medium, it has now taken a contemporary appearance from the beginning to this moment in time. Why it is not taking a form of an aesthetic exposition in Pakistan like other mediums which artists are adopting in their work?

“We all receive every day, the gifts of the deep world, from the air we breathe to the food we eat. How do we repay that gift?” –Gary Snyder.
It is arguable that food art is as old as art itself. Food as a medium has been used for ages. It took a form of a medium when artists started painting it on walls, caves, and on the canvases. Painting a food item was, and still known as a decent and eye appealing medium for any viewer, whether a person has experienced art or not. People around the world still buy such composed food still life paintings for their houses. Some people can describe food by tasting it; however, others get tempted by the presentation and visual appearance of the food.
Food art: Depiction of food in the paintings
During the Renaissance period, a still life painting in which food has been depicted subtly was usually made with a religious theme. Silvia Malaguzzi wrote in her book about the times food has been used in the bible, and all the famous paintings that are specially made on the biblical stories and events. In the older times still life or other paintings in which food has been portrayed were meant to create temptation for the viewer. Greek, Roman and Dutch food still life and figurative paintings

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