The Importance Of Gender Equality

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Women are important figures in history. From the start, women played a vital role into shaping the world we know today. Even as the belief of many that stated that women couldn’t perform as well as men in anything, it has been proven wrong time and time again. As time passed, women fought their way up the ladder to gain the equality that of a man’s and respect from the opposite sex. Unfortunately, after many years of agony and disparity, the war for equality has not yet been conquered. This spirit of the constant urge of equality must be rewarded because women deserve the same rights as men. Women are the reason every single human being is alive, regardless, they are still considered as inferiors since the beginning of recorded history, with a few exceptions. One of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) is to “promote gender equality and empower women. Although the MDGs were created to raise awareness of the problem, a recent MDG Progress Report indicates that there still remains a huge gap to closing gender equality worldwide. Women are still treated like second-class citizens. The chances of finding a woman that is being oppressed or shut down are relatively high. This sudden gap of inequality can be induced in any way: forcing her to do something she doesn’t want to do, sexual violence, social or legal barriers, aborting an unwanted child or even get an equal salary. However some believe that women should not receive the privilege of gaining equality or