The Role Of Globalization In The 20th Century

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There is no doubt that globalization, as suggested by the numerous business magazines, periodicals on the international market or simply from newspapers, has become increasingly important in this last decade, diversifying itself in nature and direction from the past centuryi. However, before analyzing the aspects and to acknowledge the main aspects that diversify the 20th century from the beginning of the new millennium, it is appropriate to ask, albeit briefly, what is globalization. The phenomenon is difficult to identify, define and measure, and when it 's attempted, most of times it is spontaneously evoked the economic worldide size, the international trade, or the main financial marketsii.
Generally it could be roughly described as "the …show more content…

At this point it begins to be more intuitive to understand why, after a large increase in the late 19th century, the two World Wars and the Great Depression were a "massive relapse”, in the first half of the 20th century,vi and for over 30 years the world economy de-globalizedvii. Nevertheless those same events radically redesigned prevailing ideas on how to stabilize the global and national economies, setting capital movements as engines of growth and prosperityviii. World leaders attempted to create a new and prosperous world economic order by pointing to the maintenance of financial stability and to a form of trade …show more content…

Often demonized by the left parties or regarded as what it really should not be of globalization: large groups which chase profit; nevertheless these transactional organizations were able to export goods of developing countries in advanced industrial markets and, in some cases, they have allowed to some countries to emerge from conditions of endemic underdevelopment moving capital, technology and resourcesxxvi. However, many doubts remain, especially when you consider that these new economic organizations, not only have tasks in trade and exchange of products, but they have gradually covered a wide variety of activities including the political one. In fact, some features, such as the pricing policy; fighting competition, often carried out without limitations of resources; hierarchies of command, are not entirely dissimilar from the organization of modern

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