Happiness And Positivity Argumentative Essay

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Happiness is the drug that has the masses under the influence. Individuals spend their lives working toward building a perfect euphoria. Throughout life, people dedicate their entire existence to reaching personal positions that would make them happy such as financial stability, marriage, or fame. However, a person could have a surplus of happiness and still feel empty inside because the happiness and positivity in that individual’s life is forced in place of other emotions that could be considered negative including sadness, anger, and stress. Negative emotions are needed in life because they improve mental health and awareness, allow individual minds to have a resting period, and eventually lead to a better, more joyful life.
Happiness is …show more content…

People, in general, tend to force a positive environment because most believe that when someone is happy that individual is at peace, but being at peace is actually the exact opposite. Unlike other emotions, happiness is earned and must be maintained throughout life. When explaining happiness, critic Richard Smith remarks, “Happiness has become the ultimate luxury item” (452). Happiness and positivity are considered a prize because they are hard to get and hard to keep. Molding the brain to banish negative emotion is a job that pays people with a false feeling of happiness. It is important to express negative emotions because the mind needs a break from consistently working towards being happy. A writer explained, “Only by experiencing sadness can we experience the fullness of the human condition” (Begley 456). People are so steadily occupied with being happy, they do not realize that they are not gaining true happiness because they are not allowing negative emotions to be asserted. When negative emotions are not let out, they do not get healed by solving whatever caused the emotions to come. The healing of negative emotions gives the mind a break from working towards being happy and is what ultimately leads to the blissful mindset in which everyone is