Essay On Inclusive Practice

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Over time, due to the growing culture of inclusion with mandated policies advocating for its presence in a society, people’s attitude and understanding have changed and more individuals are viewing inclusive practice as a valuable approach to promoting social justice and equality. Given that inclusion is mainly connected with education, it is also relevant to society as a whole.

Inclusive practice is both a process and a culture which involves key persons to help ensure that all members of a learning and developing community receive equal opportunities regardless of individual differences. Key persons involve policy makers, community leaders and educators. Inclusive practice also refers to the principles of showing sensitivity and responsiveness …show more content…

10, 2013). The philosophy and the mission of an inclusive school provide a strong foundation and confidence for practitioners to go further in advocating for every child’s right. Providing equal opportunity does not mean treating everyone the same, but rather giving every child the right to a broad and balanced curriculum with high expectation of their success. Inclusive practice involves the whole teaching community coming together to agree, identify and understand the barriers that exist so that planning for inclusion and intervention strategies can be put into place. Aside from building positive relationships with and for children, Connolly et al. (2002) highlights the importance of working in partnership with families and the wider community in order to cover a broader range of inclusion. There is a wealth of evidence to support the claim that children do better when there is close partnership between home and early years setting (. Teamwork between teachers and families can be fostered by sharing feedback on children’s behaviours and their learning preference. The principle of communication between home and school informs the planning process, as without this link an inclusive approach is hindered. Brofenbrenner (1994) describes the interrelated settings (e.g. home and school) and the partnership as a powerful aspect in exploring inclusive education and improving life chances of

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