Examples Of Inequality In Africa

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Back in the old days, inequality was a serious problem with the Africans because as the Europeans had discovered and colonized Africa, they start to destroy and persecute in Africa. Thousands of Africans had lost their lives because they worked very hard but got no profit. And as the Europeans grew bigger, the Africans grew smaller. The Europeans had plenty of resources, had invested tons of money, and had the capability to rule Africa. While, the Africans had no money, lack resources, and finally lost their power over their own country. And since the Europeans had controlled Africa, they start to roam it like it was their own country. And that is why Africa needs to have an agreement with the Europeans about their equality.
So to start of this debate, we begin with an …show more content…

Discrimination is similar or related to racism, but it’s stricter. An example is when the Europeans divided the Africans into different categories or level. The Europeans had put themselves into the highest class like the superiors while they had classified Africa as the lowest class regarded to savages. There are many examples taken from the story “Journey to Jo’Burg” for instance, when two kid’s named Naledi and Tiro were on a journey to find their mother in the city. They entered a bus that surprisingly was only for white people. And soon they were helped by Grace to find their mom by going to and with the bus for black people. This is an example of discrimination because the White Government had made laws to separate black and white people so they don’t get mixed up and also to show that they were in different classes. Similar to the bus problem, another example is school. School is related to discrimination because the White Government had split the Africans from the Europeans. This basically resembles about the classes of the Africans and the Europeans. Africans are the lowest class while the Europeans are the highest