Ap European History Research Paper

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The imperial mission and mindset of European’s drastically changed the course of history. Driven by their lust for money and power, the Europeans ransacked the lands of the Natives of America and devastated the people of Africa. At their encounter with these foreign bodies, to which they declared were less than their white, Christian selves, the Europeans saw nothing but economic opportunity in these lands. In the Americas, Natives were disregarded and killed, and their land stripped of all the bountiful resources it once provided. In Africa, the people were taken as slaves and treated with less respect than garbage. All these atrocities committed for one thing; profit. Money was the singular motivation for the Europeans, and with their blatant disregard for human life, …show more content…

The Europeans seen the Natives as purely savage creatures, and held little to no regard to their lives or well-being. There is a difference in the Europeans treatment towards the Africans. This is because the Europeans treated African slaves as goods. As told in J.B Romaigne’s journal, the Captain punished a fellow European for damaging the goods. “The Captain, seeing this, knocked the butcher flat upon the deck with a handspike. ‘I will teach you to keep your temper,’ said he, with an oath. ‘He was the best slave in the lot.’ (Romaigne, 593). The Captain did not care about the well-being of the African due to his kind heart, or his outstanding humanity, but rather because he was property and being damaged reduced the price he caught. This was the main difference in the European’s treatment towards these two groups of people. While both endured horrific treatment from the European’s, the Natives were beaten and killed so that the Europeans could prosper off their land and wealth, whereas the African people were beaten and reluctantly killed because they were taken in as