The Consequences Of Human Trafficking

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Human trafficking is happening all over the world. Since human trafficking is world wide, it should make strickers consequences. Human trafficking is when o Human trafficking is happening all over the world. Since human trafficking is world wide, it should make strickers consequences. Human trafficking is when someone transport a person from one place to another and sell them for money, sex, drugs, ETC. Human trafficking Many girls are in Human Trafficking. And we need to lower the number all over the world. On the website , it states that “ 76% of all inmates end up back in jail within 5 years.” When the website states that many inmates go back …show more content…

One court cases that stands out to me has to be the Man Arrested After 8 Women Found Captive in Luxury Georgia Home in Possible Human Trafficking Case. According NBC News it states “In total, eight women ranging from ages 19 to 22 were found at the home, said Sgt. Sam Worsham.Roberts was renting the residence, Worsham added, and the homeowners weren 't there..” This confirms that Roberts was keeping 8 womens hostage. Next, Chief Michael P. Murphy states “There’s a serious misconception out there that prostitution is a victimless crime. This is simply untrue. In the vast majority of cases, the person at the other end of an online advertisement is the victim of human trafficking, and someone is profiting off of their misery. Often that misery is forced upon them by their traffickers through coercion or even drug addiction. I am extremely proud of our work, with our local, state, and federal partners, to curb human trafficking and help put a stop to the suffering it creates.” This confirms that Chief Michael P. Murphy that this maybe a way that many girls are taken into human trafficking. Lastly, the law about human trafficking says “Human trafficking laws, and regulation. The victims of trafficking and violence prevention act (TVPA). TVPA combats trafficking in person, especially into slavery and involuntary servitude.” This means that people in HT are being treated like slaves. To conclude this there is many people out there that are being taken, and we need to help them make the laws