The Importance Of Intelligence Testing

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Intelligence testing is a measure used to determine how much and individual knows based on everyday learning. A medical definition of an intelligence test is, it can be in the form of either a questionnaire or a series of exercises designed to measure intelligence (, 2018). Intelligence tests are reliable because they measure what they are intended to measure consistency, however they are not always valid because an individual can have a bad- day or they can be experiencing something emotional that may impact their testing ability. There are many types of intelligence tests that may measure individual’s learning and their ability to learn. For instance, the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Fifth Edition, is an intelligence test administered to children age 6 and above. The instrument is utilized by the child’s school and or psychologist. Also, it is used to determine as to whether or not a kid is gifted in addition to their cognitive abilities. However, in order, for a student to be accepted into a gifted program the school must determine what tests will be administered (Testing, 2018). In my opinion, as a parent I may question the validity of the test in which the school uses as a basis for my child entering the gifted program. For example, if it is not a test that is normed for my socioeconomic background and my cultural ethnicity, it can be questionable. According to study, the Wechsler Intelligence Scales can either be administered one