The Importance Of Labor Management Relations

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In the assessment of the management of labour relations is a complex phenomenon because it involves the human element in it (Razi et al, 2012). Relations refers to the agreement between the workers who choose to work together in maintaining good relations (Denis, Mario and Victor et al, 2011), labour management relations improve processes within a company to change the collective activity more (Behrens et al. 2004). Labour Management Relations based on the relationship between workers and employers set out in the job, as applied and affect the interests of workers and employers, relationships that have been arranged in a company devoted to the interests and development of the company.
There are several factors that increase the relations between management including a full statement of the autonomy by interested parties, the definition is clear, and the practice of mutual benefit both parties (Arthur and Kim 2005; Eaton et al., 2004; Guest and Peccei 2001; Haynes and Allen 2001) . Many aspects that touch the relationship between workers and employers as collective bargaining in the resolution of a problem or to increase enterprise bargaining, trade union, an increase in discipline, grievance handling a problem, increase employee participation in corporate management and interpretation of labour law.
Labour relations management has the objective of protecting the interests of workers and employers or in other words to protect common interests, the goal is the entire