The Reasons Of Learning A Foreign Language

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All of us want to learn new language and for that each of us has his own reasons. Reason which make differences between each people. The way how we communicate with each other has a big impact in our life and relationships, for that reason if someone is not from out country we have to find common language. Communication can be expressed in many ways, sometime it can be aggressive, passive or assertive. Poor communication wich doesn 't transmit a feeling often creates tension and bad feelings within relationships. For that reason people started to feel the need to learn difficult language as theirs. In the beginning when we start to learn we think how difficult it will be. But we forget that hat nothing is impossible. If we go back in time we will see that learning new foreign language is not as difficult as it seems to be. In this research, I want to show that in order to be able to do something easier than first imagined, one has to be shown how to do that very same thing, only simply. You need to first learn to crawl before walking. This works for languages too, although it takes more of an effort. Introduction
Writing about the way how we can learn a foreign language I don 't need to ask other people, because I have my own experience. I came in Albania in October 2011, in a place which was unknown for me. I had heard for Albania only on television, but for me it was the first time I saw it closely. In the beginning when I come here everything was very difficult and