Personal Narrative: The Way I Learn

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The Way I Learn

“ What we learn with pleasure we never forget” by Alfred Mercier is an engraved plaque that sits on my desk in my classroom. I read this quote to myself everyday before class to inspire me, and remind me of the special person who gave me such an inspiring gift to me. I received this gift from the first student I tutored that set me on the path to become a teacher. But it took this class in Eductional Pyscholgy to make me really appreciate its meaning. It was through this person and class, I ‘ve grasped that people learn in many different ways, and by embracing the importance of this learning style’s for myself as well as in teaching exerts a powerful influence on a child’s ablity to do well in school. The first major task …show more content…

• I have to be in the mood to study which leads me to cram reading in and some projects last minute.
• I love round table disscuess in class but hate group work projects
• Like material presented in fun ways like movies, hand on projects,realy enthused teachers
• Hate graphs in all subjects but Math and …show more content…

Next in planing by lessons I will make sure to incorporate 3 of the 8 areas in each lesson. For example if we are studing a unit on trees I will have a movement song about the parts of the trees, this way I have both musical and kinestheic learners engaged in a fun activeity. Naturalistc learners , I will do some lessons outside and a field trip to local nature center. For the interapersonal learners they will create portfolio’s of their choosen work to share with others and parents during conference time. The interpersonal learners will enjoy doing group work such the must writing and preforming a play about a given subject matter within the unit. Math and logical learns will enjoy more problem solving approaches in math and science experiments. Linquistic learns will write stores about what they are studing and for my visual spatial learners lots of art work, graphs and charts aroud about the room and in lessons for them to do. Outside ot the classroom I will collabrate with other teachers for ideas to make learning new and fun for my