Interracial Population Growth

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Having a dual or multi-racial origin should not be in a “what” category that people must always question or put into topics of interest (Olsen, 2012). The terms, biracial, multiracial, mixed race and interracial are often used interchangeably when referring to people of different racial origins. (Townsend, Fryberg, Markus & Wilkins, 2012). In the study, the terms will be used interchangeably when referring to people who have different racial heritages. Yearly Population Growth which is under the Worldometer, plots the annual population growth in every first of July. This have shown the size of the multiracial populace that has increased over the past few years due to growing of the worldwide population especially in certain countries like …show more content…

In fact, many sociologists now see the significance of the changing aspects in the gap of the varying pace of racial and ethnic minorities with diverse demographic, physical, social, professional, family, and religious attributes and pressures added Lewis, Wilson and Robertson. Similarly, studies and researches regarding interracial relationships and interracial children are done all around the world, especially in the U.S.A. Those of Ross, Walker, Todd and Johnsons’ are just few of the many studies that have explored about interracial bonds. Most of these researches focused on sociodemographic factors (Johnsons’ in Walker, 1995), impact with college students (Ross, 2004), as well as perceptions, attitudes and stereotypes (Walker, 1995 & Todd, …show more content…

It is usually composed of an extended family system (Albarracin & Carlos, 1982), in which every member is closely tied to each other to the point of having as much as three or more families in one household, decision comes as a whole of the family and everyone shares what they have to each other. The extended family system is also widely spread around Asian, Middle Eastern and African countries, where families follow more of a clan like structure and decisions is made by all instead of the individualist system like some countries in Europe and North America (UNESCO,