The Importance Of Nightingale's Professional Identity In Nursing

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Aiken (2002) study shows that the nursing shortage has negatively affected communication, nurse patient relationships and timeliness of care and overall competence of nurse’s professional identity. For example, the Francis report in 2013 at the mid Staffordshire foundation trust investigation had bad indication on nurses, healthcare and all the staff in connection to the negative and culture that caused harm to patient. In order to resolve this issue the NHS has to reflect on the nurses’ professional identity, encourage nurses, provide support, and reorganise the work environment (Buerhaus, 2007).
A research study conducted by Johnson and Johnson (2012), found that nurses fear that talking about their technical skills and medical knowledge somehow risks their reputation for caring and compassion. In order to protect nursing professional identity, they emphasised that nurses could leverage to have a greater voice in their professional identity and let compassion be the fundamental care to be delivered to patients. …show more content…

Nursing from Victorian times and the idea behind Nightingale’s nursing has shown that nurse’s image has turned into respectable profession through educational. Negative public image can challenge nurses to look for unbeaten conduct to improve their self-concept and to show the public their important involvement to the healthcare system. Finally, there are good reasons for nurses to develop the courage, justice, and open- minded and most importantly professional intelligence to the practice of