Differences Of Psychology And Nursing In The Nursing Field

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Many people think that psychology and nursing are different that psychology is not needed in the nursing field but psychology has a lot to do with nursing. Nursing is primarily assisting the patient of activities contributing to health or its recovery that they would perform unaided if they had the necessary strength, will or knowledge. Psychology is the study of behavior and mental processes. What do these two have in common, well they many things in common and couple differences. Psychology can be used to help nurses to understand the patient, and understand how they are feeling and also as a nurse, you can be able to understand the patient physically, emotionally, etc… Psychology plays a major role in nursing. For a nurse to be in the nursing field they have to be able to understand how a patient thinks, feels, and understands. Psychology refers to human activities including education, events, employment, association, relationship and treatment of mental health difficulties. Everything we perform is much related to psychology. Basically psychology studies who and what we are, why we are like that, why we act and think like that and what we could be as a person and it’s a nurse job to find out all of this from the patient. It’s a psychologist and also a nurse job to know how the body and mind of a patients work. It has couple differences and similarities with psychology and nursing. The differences are that psychology deals with helping the patient emotionally, and