Benchmark Essay

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Success varies between projects because they differ in size, complexity, and uniqueness and therefore the criteria used to measure success will vary as well. Individuals and stakeholders may interpret project success in various ways and the industry itself lends further variation on viewpoints about performance (Davis, 2017). The opinions of success, and how important success dimensions are, vary ‘by individual personality, nationality, project type, and contract type’ (Mir & Pinnington, 2015). To accommodate for various projects a high level success framework includes project efficiency, customer impact, team impression, business requirement accomplishment, and planning for the future (Mir & Pinnington, 2015).
Determining whether the targeted …show more content…

However, other opinions argue that experienced clinicians leverage a range of strategies, including some that are more intuitive. Although founded on assimilated and amassed clinical practice wisdom, including an intuitive approach is difficult to locate within prudent, traditional models (Jasper, Mooney, & Rosser, 2013). Nursing judgment is defined as deciding on which data to collected, constructing an interpretation of the data, arriving at a diagnosis, and identifying the right actions to take which involves problem solving, decision making, and critical thinking. Since this is an informatics project, data was a driving force throughout the project. Taking the data identified, looking at patterns and gaps, developing the rationale for why the patterns and gaps exist and how to address each of them, followed up by executing solutions by weighing past experiences, current literature and evidenced based practice, and nursing standards of practice supported the achievements of this group. Teams are more likely to trust a leader that is knowledgeable about all of the team’s roles, not needing to be an expert, but can clearly articulate a deep understanding of what their needs and tasks entail. Creating an atmosphere of trust makes it easier to keep the team focused …show more content…

These three goals are: Demonstrate self- awareness through the identification of internal values, strengths and weaknesses, and the initiation of change by utilizing resources for personal and professional growth; apply knowledge to solve a project problem through preparation, production, and modification of information and ideas presented by the group, increase knowledge of 3 evidence-based strategies for system delivery life cycle. There were several opportunities to practice self-awareness and take inventory of my strengths and weaknesses. The most significant one was recent and entailed having the self-awareness and emotional intelligence to know I was overextended. When sleep deprived I have less patience with things that normally would not phase me. I came close to being less than professional when dismissing an end user from the project, but since we had just reviewed the AACN’s essentials, I pulled from the resource and made sure I held it together (Samson, 2012). It was satisfying to know that just telling yourself you know your exhausted keeps you from acting in a way you usually wouldn’t. The AACN essentials will help keep me focused and honed in on the importance of completing the work while incorporating the 9 essentials (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2011).