Essay On Overrepresentation In Special Education

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As teachers we need to learn to advocate for our students and reassure our students are getting the right education that challenged, but also allows them to succeed. No child should be misrepresented because of race or color or even gender because every child should be given an equal chance to learn in the appropriate environment. “The inaccurate placement of minority students in special education programs can take various forms including overrepresentation, underrepresentation, and misidentification” (Guiberson; 2009). As we review what each of these terms mean we can see how many students can fall under these sections if not properly assessed or tested towards their strengths rather than towards a general test. First, overrepresentation is an occurrence of minority students in special education programs is greater than the school population as a whole. Second, under-representation occurs when students with a disability are not identified as being disabled and they do not receive the proper supports or services they need to …show more content…

Test bias, such as intelligence tests and assessment tests to acquire information about academic achievement can be bias towards the American cultural and it is not open to a diverse cultural community. The literature is dates, and the examination of psychometric test bias has failed to demonstrate conclusively the inappropriate verification of if cultural of living conditions outside of the school environment, such as a poor community, has a factor into the test. We need to improve the tests or assessments given to students to improve the appropriate placement of students in our school system in the United States

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