Model Minority Stereotypes

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Literature Review: Academic achievement, perceived by most as individual intelligence and assiduity, in fact can be traced to several different aspects. However, how does this perception of intelligence actually factor into a student’s scholastic success? In the text, Inequality by Design, it is made clear that “a racial or ethnic group’s position in society determines its measured intelligence rather than vice versa” (Fischer, 1996). So what affects do these kinds of impressions have on Asian Americans, especially if these impressions are coming from other students?
Many studies have shown that peer perception, does, in fact, have some significant effects in a student’s academic performance. In a comprehensive study done about learning environment, …show more content…

This stereotype is based on the idea that if a minority group exhibits middle class characteristics like a strong work ethic or high achievement motivation, and attains success without governmental assistance, then the majority group will depict the minority group as a “model minority” and view the group favorably (Woo, 2000). However, while it has been shown that Asian Americans do tend to exhibit values and traits similar to the middle class and that, as a group, they tend to have high medium income, and high educational attainment, the stereotype is not really a positive thing (Wong, 1998). In an article looking at the academic success of Asian Americans, it was found that the model minority stereotype actually creates limits on what an Asian American can be. The study found that if an individual were divergent from the general perception of the model minority, they were considered to be less authentically Asian American (Park, 2008). This shows us some of the potential affects of the model minority stereotype, and brings us to the conclusion that while Asians are perceived positively, the perception does not have a positive effect. Furthermore, this research failed to address if these perceptions had any acute affect on academic …show more content…

Therefore, my sample will consist of 1,987 students. First, each person will be asked to complete a survey asking both qualitative and quantitative questions about race and academic performance. After primarily disclosing race and age, the participants will first be asked to rank their level of identification with their race/influence of heritage on a 1-10 scale, with one being “not influenced” and ten being “very influenced”. While all students would answer this question, this research would specifically focus on the answers of Asian American students for this portion. The next question would ask the participant’s opinion of different races in relationship to academia. This would be in order to measure peer expectation, specifically of Asian American students. Asian students would also give a summary of how they think their peers expectations and impressions are influencing their academic achievements. Finally, we would look at semester and final grades to get some quantitative research, and accurately form a statistical analysis of how the ‘model minority’ stereotype affects educational success. Results will be kept anonymous and participants will be told that their answers would not be linked to certain individuals. No one would be told about the exact purpose of the survey or the final research question before taking it to reduce potential

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