Stereotypes And Student Success Essay

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Presence of stereotypes. The measure that will be presented to participants will be a self-assessment; it will measure the presence of stereotypes that are generally attributed to different races. It will also measure how teachers view student success and the factors that influence it. This method is one which will be newly introduced to the literature on colorism and school suspension; however, by measuring what factors teachers feel are most important to student success, we are better able to distinguish the reasons behind why some students receive more severe punishment than others. Lastly, the surveys will gauge how teachers’ feel about different students, as well as how they feel about what disciplinary measures are most effective. The measure will be presented on a survey; a sample question would be “Rank the following concepts in order from least to greatest, according to which ones you feel are influential to student success”. …show more content…

The order in which items are ranked will give great insight into understanding participants’ disciplinary trends. Another assessment will be measured through a scale, using the same items on a ten-point scale; teachers will be able to rate how important these traits are to student success (from 1-10). For example, if teachers feel that hairstyle/clothing are most important to student success, then they may be more likely to discipline students who don’t align with their version of acceptable clothing/styles. More specifically, I hypothesize that when teachers are paired with students of another race, they will be more likely to discipline these students for violations than other students who are the same race as teachers. Ultimately, the measures used in this study will attempt to gauge how teachers discipline students according to what factors they believe are most