Ethical Issues In Qualitative Research

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Qualitative research arrives at an outcome without the application of statistical methods of data analysis (Strauss and Corbin, 1990, cited in Golafshani, 2003). By taking a direct approach, where the researchers obtain findings and as such a clearer understanding of an event that occurs naturally in its environment (Patton, 2001, cited in Golafshani, 2003). However, it is noted that a qualitative researcher plays an important role in data collection since the main methods used to generate data are based mainly on interviews that takes the form as a structure or semi- structure and focus groups (Green & Thorogood, 2010). These methods of data collection give way to involvement in the research and as such, they need to provide evidence that their research is credible since, in qualitative research, the credibility depends on the ability and effort of the researcher …show more content…

Therefore, ethical and methodological issues may arise from qualitative research and as such to demonstrate the legitimacy of Qualitative research, it is important to integrate rigour and