
The Importance Of Quantitative And Qualitative Research Methods In Tourism

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3.2.1 Qualitative research
In order to capture the individual tourist’s construction of his/her experience, the meanings given and the remembrance of the tourist space, qualitative methods would appear to allow for greater variety of response as well as being able to tap into the impacts of self (Wearing & Wearing, 1996; p.240).
The nature of this study is explanatory therefore qualitative research is a field for inquiry was identified with the disciplines, fields and subject matters. According to Denzin and Lincoln (1984), qualitative research study in natural setting to interpret the phenomena that meanings to the people. It involves in collection of various empirical materials such as case study, personal experience, introspective, life history, interview, observation, historical, interaction and visual texts that can indicate the reality and meanings in an individual’s life. Walle (1997) emphasize the importance of qualitative methods for tourism scholars and tourism practitioners to deal with complex phenomena and scientific methods are not appropriate in certain context. Indeed, tourism researchers now reach into eclectic methodological toolkit to answer complex tourism questions.
In social context, researcher interested in study the behaviour and experiences of tourists to identify the tourist destinations selection. Framework are useful on understanding in the motive of tourist, hence it tended to be in qualitative ways. It is not the main aim or intention to assert
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