The Importance Of Ragging Interests In Fantasy Football

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That ended the conversation because everyone was tired of listening to Joey talk about his place last year. Conversations like this were a recurring theme among the group members from both leagues. In the interviews bragging rights was not as prevalent but there were still mentions that it is an important motivation for fantasy football. Four of the eight respondents mentioned bragging rights in their interviews. In one of the interviews a respondent with the code name Jack responded when asked if he had any other motivations to play fantasy football he responded with:
Umm, yeah I mean I guess the bragging rights is always fun and if you win it, especially when you win some money.

In another interview John answered after being asked what the main motivation he plays …show more content…

Bragging rights was an important pattern among both fantasy leagues and was present in both the interviews as well as in the field. It was easier to see than the socialization theme in the field because it was obvious when someone was bragging but was still less prevalent than bonding and I feel it aided in bonding among the members. The third theme, competition, was very similar to bragging rights. Competition, however, was different. Competition came before the bragging rights. In order to have the bragging rights a person had to have a winning team. In fantasy league 1 during a Monday night game in the dorm room two of the members kept arguing about who was going to win that week. One person with the code name Ben and another with the code name Kyle’s were the members in the argument as follows:
Kyle (jumps up at a long pass caught by one of his players) Yeah! Johnson go! I will be so happy if he makes two touchdowns so I can beat you, one more run like that and I