Short Essay On Religious Terrorism

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“Terrorism” in the name of religion has become the main purpose for political violence in today world politics. Is not only because of nationalism and ideological purpose it remain as potent catalysts for extremist behavior. Now a day’s religious extremism has become a central issue around the world. In the contemporary religious terrorism has increased its occurrence, scale of violence, and global reach. At the same time, a comparative deterioration has occurred in secular terrorism. The old ideologies of class struggle world had experienced such as anticolonial liberation, and secular nationalism have been challenged by a new and dynamic infusion of sectarian ideologies. Common radical support for religious violence has been most widespread among populations living in repressive societies that do not permit demands for reform or other expressions of dissent.
What is religious terrorism? What are its fundamental attributes? Religious terrorism is a form of political violence inspired by an unqualified confidence. Other word we can say - power has sanctioned—and commanded—“terrorist violence for the greater glory of the faith. Acts committed in the name of the faith will be forgiven by the otherworldly power …show more content…

Religious ideology splits between Islamist radicals, Christian radicals, Jewish radicals and Hindu radicals. So many country terrorism has been used by “political ideology” based groups such as “left extremists” (Bangladesh), Maoists (Nepal and India). Nationalists sharing a common ethnic background also use terrorism (Tamils in Sri Lanka, separatists in Northeastern India). interest groups always use “terrorism” for legitimate causes justifying their use of violence to achieve their advantage and goals. Members of these groups are people who use terrorism to support anti-abortion views, animal rights, and radical