Osama Bin Laden On Terrorism

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The world today is facing a crisis and there seems to be no resolution in sight. The war on terrorism has been going on for many, many years and it appears as if the leaders of the world are baffled as to stop it or if nothing else, control it. Many scholars have a difficult time attempting to define a good definition for the word terrorism. Many believe it is a difficult word to define because there are so many interruptions to the word. It will depend on what part of the country one is in, but for the universal approach to the definition many believe terrorism is “the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce esp for political purposes” (Dyson, 2012, p. 19).
In 2004, ABC reported al-Qaeda under the leadership of Osama bin Laden …show more content…

One of those leaders who became; for lack of a better term, famous was Osama bin Laden. Osama bin Laden was born the son of Mohammed bin Laden who was a wealthy construction executive and had close ties to the Saudi royal family (White, 2012-2014). It is theorized that Osama bin Laden began his reign of terror in the early 90’s when violence was on the rise between Africa and Asia. There, many of the young men were poorly educated and many faced unemployment issues due to the wealth not being spread around equally (White, 2012-2014). Osama bin Laden took advantage of this opportunity and created what is now referred to as al-Qaeda. For bin Laden, the idea to become a leader was rather an easy decision. He had the financial backing as his father was very wealthy which would easily influence many to join his …show more content…

September 1, 2001, was a grave day for many Americans. It was a day where under the direction of Osama bin Laden four planes were hijacked. Two planes hit the world trade center in New York killing approximately 2,000 people. Another plane struck the Pentagon injuring multiple people and the fourth plane never made it to its target as it crashed in a field killing all on board. Since 9/11 al-Qaeda has had a difficult time attacking the United States. With more cooperation from other countries as well as a better-prepared law enforcement, many attacks have been foiled.
Terrorism will most likely be a problem for the entire world. There does not seem to be a solution as long as radical idea thinking people like Osama bin Laden are allowed to walk the earth. The world will seem like a safer place as U S Navy Seals killed Osama bin Laden on May 2, 2011.