
The Importance Of Respect In Shakespeare's Henry IV

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Despite all of the characters fighting in Shakespeare’s Henry IV, part I , they continue to show respect to each other throughout the entirety of the play, whether they are on a battlefield or in a pub, which proves enemies are needed in order to grow. Respect is shown by most of the characters throughout the play. The fact is, they are fighting for a bigger reason than to kill each other. They are fighting for power and honor and are aware of what everybody else has already been through. Respect can be shown in many different ways. Even during the darkest times in this play, respect is being shown.
During the play, not all characters choose to show respect to each of the other characters. The ones that do are the more mature individuals in the play. For instance, Falstaff is not one of the characters who shows respect to the other characters. He is one of the more immature and childish characters who lies to make himself seem greater than others. Falstaff intentionally chooses to show no respect but it is …show more content…

Whether it be an important decision or the start of a fight. There is always an outside influence on what may happen. For Instance, Hal madea decent amount of actions because of the influence of another character. Hotspur would never have been killed if it wasn’t for Hal trying to earn his father’s respect. . Hal’s goal was to “Be Bold to tell you that I am your son”(3.2.139). He wanted the King to be proud to have him as a son. Instead of feeling like he usually did. Wishing Hotspur was his son. In order to do this, he listened to the King, and put an end to Hotspur. Having no other motivation towards killing Hotspur than to gain respect from his father. Hal goes as far as saying “And I will die a hundred thousand deaths Ere break the smallest parcel of this vow”(3.2.163-164). Hal is very adamant of proving himself. He does all this because of one character’s, his father’s,

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