The Importance Of Rightful Order In King Lear

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The last crucial element that was huge in the making of Shakespeare is rightful order in England. For centuries there was always some sort of hierarchy in England and neighboring countries. Rightful order includes: King, nobility, and a lot more. Rightful order was a system to organize people, and it still exists to a degree today. King were usually looked up to the most. Without a king or a clear ruler in society then kingdoms would fall apart. This was very important in the play King Lear. It was known that King Lear was growing old and had to give up his throne eventually. The king must give up his seat to one of his children, otherwise he might give the throne to someone in nobility. In the play King Lear, he had to give his throne to one of his daughters because of his old age. However it was difficult giving anyone the throne and because of that the kingdom was not doing too well. In another story, Beowulf, that shares similar rightful order qualities, rightful order is very important. The kingdom is close to ruins when the king is out of place in Beowulf, …show more content…

Among many of those elements, the influence of many deaths in William Shakespeare’s life, historical context of King Lear, and rightful order in England were among the most crucial aspects of the play. Death was important in the story because it influenced Shakespeare greatly. Shakespeare had to deal with many hardships in his life, and those includes the death of his son, father, and young sister. Historical context was important because other stories contributed a lot to the play King Lear. Without the historical context, King Lear would not be written the same. The last element that was important was rightful order. Rightful order included the situation that the character in the play were put into and this made a huge impact on the entire play. Overall, each element was very important to the play King