The Importance Of Science In Education

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Science is a way of knowing, a method of learning about nature. Science is a body of knowledge, a way of investigating natural phenomena and a way of thinking in an attempt to understand nature (Abimbola, 2006). Science has also been viewed as the pursuit and application of knowledge to have better understanding of both natural and social world based on systematic methodology evidences. (Science Council, 2013).Fafunwa (1974) Stated that‟ we are living in the world where science and technology have become an integral part of the world culture and any country that overlook this significant truism does so at its peril”(p.49). Science teaching was introduced as Biology, Chemistry and Physics to present science to the child, reflecting the culture and tradition of Nigerians. In Nigeria, the National Policy on Education (FRN, 2009) clearly spells out the objectives of science teaching from pre-primary to tertiary level. Specifically, at the secondary level, it entails equipping students to live effectively in our modern age of Science and Technology. It is aimed at all ages of learners of all abilities and interests. Science is a process that helps in the development of the society. The global change in science curriculum arising from knowledge explosion and new wave in science and technology development demands for qualitative science teaching.Education in science serves three purposes. First, it prepares students to study science at higher levels of education. Second, it