The Importance Of Setting In The Monkey's Paw

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Normally, writers of fiction tend to use lots of suspenseful or intense description to pull their readers into their book. Better said, the writers are purposely trying to produce different emotions to the readers, and to engage them into the book. In the story “The Monkey’s Paw” the author, W. W. Jacobs indicates the importance of being mindful of what one wishes for. This is best revealed throughout the passage when the the wife and Mr. White were arguing about their last wish. The wife wanted the husband to use the last wish, but the husband would rather not use it. They ended up wishing for their son back, but the son ended up turning into some mysterious creature.
One thing the author does in the passage to paint the theme is use descriptive …show more content…

Mr. White had just wished for his son coming back again, and had said, “A stair creaked, and a squeaky mouse scurried noisily through the wall.”(6) The author establishes the setting which then draws the reader to feel like they are there. It is almost like imagery, accept the fact that imagery makes the reader picture it. The author establishing setting allows the reader to not only picture what the author is describing, but also see and feel like they are where the author is describing. The setting being described makes the reader keep reading which then allows the author to throw the conflict in the story. Then, the author puts another problem. That is all revolving around where the author described the setting. The setting creates different emotions for the reader, that than can do different things. Such as being described in the quoted material. That can make the reader understand the mood and tone of the story. The mood of the story is scary and spooky. The story is filled with lots of mystery and odd parts. The tone of the story is mysterious and suspicious. This is because the story is filled with lots of unknown things about the monkey's paw. The quoted material is using lots of suspension and uses sound to indicate the theme even more. The theme uses spooky features to mold it into the story. This can also mold how the reader understand the theme. If the setting is in a mysterious place and the author is describing some place spooky, the theme may very well be spooky. It is all coordinated with the way the author describes the setting. The theme is being connected with this theme by establishing setting which than can make the reader understand the tone and mood as well as feel like they are in the story. That than can help the reader understand the theme even