The Importance Of The Arts In Education

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Smart Art
(An Analysis of the Importance of The Arts in Education)

The arts are incredible teaching and learning devices that can benefit both student and teacher. This simple statement has been questioned recently as arts in education have been increasingly diminished. Theresa Sjoquist, a distinguished author and biographer, explains how modern schools treat the arts,“Today they are teaching the subject of art as a frill in school, partly due to intellectual preciousness that has crept into art departments with the making of the History of Art. Intellectualising places art on a pedestal only for the few” (Sjoquist). Just as Sjoquist explains, the arts are now looked at as something only certain people can do. Different studies and personal statements have begun to explain that the arts are a crucial part of the learning process. Those who are involved in arts would agree that it has helped with all aspects of their education. Of course, there is always the fact that there are some very intelligent people who are not involved in the arts, and these activities are not necessary for all people to learn, but it certainly is an advantage for most young people in school. The teaching of the arts is a very important part of a child’s education and can improve academic and personal achievement in every student. Teaching of the arts in schools gives opportunities for students to express themselves. In the modern educational world, students are rarely given a chance to fully do