In the three articles “Do you Speak American” by Robert Macneil, “Why Good English is Good for You” by John Simon, and “Lost in America” by Douglas McGray they all share the same theme that Americans lack the motivation to be culturally diverse and broaden their horizons outside of the American Culture due to the lack of funds. This basically means that Americans lack the motivation to learn more about their culture and other cultures because they focus more on fitting in and doing the same thing as all other Americans. They lose the drive to be different and to educate themselves based on where they came from. In “Do You Speak American”, Macneil emphasizes how even though we have different cultures within America, we are all “Americanized”
Many English Language Learners have a difficult time understanding academic concepts, and they need to understand how those concepts relate to the workplace and to the workplace and to the larger society in which they will live and work. ELL’s engagement in their schoolwork increases significantly when they are taught and explained why they are learning the concepts and how those concepts can be used in real-world
Understanding English helps immigrants find better jobs, reducing poverty and increasing the nation’s economy. Upon immigration to any country, one of the first things one must do is find a job. However, if one cannot speak the language of their new country, many employers find it disadvantageous to hire foreigners who are not English proficient. In Blackwell 's article “English Should Be America’s Official Language” he says that “[people] who can speak English can compete for better jobs, with better pay,” as they have one of the most basic skills required for most jobs in America (par. 10). In fact, some employers are even requiring their employees to only speak English while on the job.
In the writing, Jake Jamieson introduced and explained an argument about English using for immigrants. In first paragraph, the author introduced that the melting pot system is not working truly. Many people think the U.S. is famous for melting pot because of many immigrants. These people view the melting pot as a pot which contains many melted cultures and living styles inside. But he argues that these people lose their culture by adapting to new culture and only thing left is discrimination.
Language Proficiency Effects Regarding Immigration People often tend to forget the importance of language in their daily lives. One can only truly understand the importance of a common language when exposed to a scenario where no common language is present. Communication is limited, therefore a sense of belonging is diminished and any daily activity becomes a task.
Prejudice is a preconceived judgment about and individual or group of people. Stereotypes are generalized, fixed images we hold of others. Supervisors are not aware of the Hispanic culture and Spanish Language. The work instructions are not in simple Spanish. Employee do not like to speak up considering is “distrustful” the supervisor.
English is really a language of communication and it is ideal for
Workplace Literacy To begin, I would like to explain my background involving the English language because my background is probably very different from others. My background in learning English is not typical, meaning I did not have in-depth studies in the English language. I was born and raised in Cairo Egypt. Throughout my school years, my involvement with the English language was limited. I mostly studied compositions, dictation, poetry and novels.
CHAPTER 2 French language French naturellement The French language is regulated by the Académie Française to prevent any non-French words from creeping into the True French Language. If in doubt a New French Word will be created, for example a Walkman (a trade name) became a Balladeur. Unfortunately for the Académie, many words are in common use, that are not of French origin: weekend; sandwich; parking; stop (stopper = to stop!) ; star; TOP-50 and OK, Jeep, jerrican, and nearly all names of sports except pétanque or boules.
He states examples of why speaking English is important and says that speaking English fluently is the “key to upward mobility in the United States.” Lazear concludes that a way
The children learning a second language for develop skills that will help create opportunities in the future and ability to communicate with others in different situations. It will most certainly In addition to the language skills of children with learning a second language, and learning the cultural differences helps. Includes a variety of educational and career opportunities as well. However, children learning a second language in the early teens It can learn faster and learn the lesson faster also. But it does not mean if passed, then a teenager.
Introduction: Languages and interactions are two principal concepts in present days. Being master in using and perceiving the modern methods of communications at works furnishes us with intellectual tools which we cannot afford to reject. With the expanding of organizations in the world and working internationally the needs of understanding other cultures and new ways of dealing with others become a key aspect of competitive advantages for any organization. Any organization regarding to meet its objectives and goals; assigns some written or not written norms, values, culture and behavioural patterns which should be understood and pursued by all the co-workers. This will create an employer image in labour market locally as well as in the international business market.
Introduction Business communication is a process where both the employer and the employees in a company share and exchange information. Be it the corporate world or the education arena, priority is given to ‘speaking’ correct English. People in these fields have understood that communication skills mean speaking skills. Most people think that writing skills are not essential for effective communication. But that is not the truth.
The way in which professionals communicate continues to change and adapt to new trends and technologies. Being an effective communicator is a key element of being a successful professional. English 332 is a course designed to help develop professional qualities, specifically writing and communication skills, for current students. It is important for the Professional Writing Committee to keep up with current trends in the workplace and consistently obtain information regarding the ways in which professionals communicate. This report is meant to supply the Professional Writing Committee with relevant information regarding communication in the workplace now, so that the course can provide students with the tools and skills that they need in order to succeed once they enter the professional world.
Academic English is important to college and university in academic writing course (Jet Writers Essay Writing Contest 2015). It is required students to reading, speaking and listening, while employing evaluating and sharpen their research and writing skills for college and university environment. At the college and university level is the ever-increasing need for students to focus on language and more specifically, the specialized language found both in substance areas and the Academic Language used in teaching that content. Academic Language as the name implies is importance the kind of writing that we are required to do in college and university. It differs from other kinds of writing such as annotated bibliographies, literature reviews,